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What is Platform X - Financial Spreading?

Comprehensive solution for automated financial statement scanning and financial spreading, with the ability to generate comprehensive sentiment analysis and Quick Rating, all in one go.

Automated Financial
Statement Scanning

Automated scanning of Financial Statements using advanced document and image processing algorithms.

Automated data shaping for reduced scanning turnaround.

Ability to handle multiple languages eg. English and Arabic.


Reducing the spreading turnaround time by using industry-compliant chart of accounts for data mapping.

Automated normalization of the numbers.

Minimizing data errors through preset validation rules (by client or industry).


Automatic calculation of financial ratios, which can be fed into risk rating model or LOS systems.

Comprehensive view of each customer across a wide-range of assets including company financials, obligor financials and other related data.


Automated extraction of external ratings info if pre-rated by external credit rating agencies.

Algorithm designed to extract meaningful insights from the audit report / management opinion.

Deployment of webcrawlers with the world wide web to extract relevant news for reputation risk and/or other critical factors.

Transparency and

Centralized collection and management of financial data.

Ability to integrate with the bank's rating models.

Allow configuration and amendment of normalization mapping between the source & target from front-end by business users.

Capabilities of Platform X Financial Spreading

New Age
Relationship Management

Android and iOS App to enable Corporate RMs to quickly analyse financials of corporate leads, qualify lead with quick credit scoring and examine public domain data of potential clients

Fully Automated

Significantly reduces turn around time for Financial Analysis.

Plug and

Also available as an API, the feature can be easily integrated in existing corporate credit workflow.

Technical Features

Platform X makes use of open-source software and is based on special commodity hardware. It has a browser-based easy-to-use front-end UI that complies with security and audit requirements.

  • Multiple teams can work together- easing the workload and support for ownership of results.
  • Platform Framework creates new computation sequences, models and result data sets without coding.
  • Speed of execution allows what-if analysis and rapid exploration of alternatives.
  • Metadata allows for rapid changes to methodology and approach when required by the regulator or business.
  • Explains the variances and results/details to management and regulators without any additional manual work.
