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Platform X | Business Continuity Management

Prompt Crisis Management, Continuity Planning and real time monitoring

Business Continuity Management

Platform X – Business Continuity solution is a comprehensive solution that provides intelligent, end-to-end automated approach for simplifying, streamlining and automating your organization’s processes for identifying critical business operations and resources, assessing and monitoring risk, and managing the incident.


It is all in one solution for business continuity and disaster recovery planning that provides sophisticated means for plan creation, business impact assessment, scenario-based exercising and guides the development of strategic, data-driven continuity program

Why Platform X - Business Continuity Management

Protect your Business

With end-to-end continuity program based on actual business processes and resources

Stay Informed

With integrated data management that helps to understand connections and dependencies across the organization

Get Organized

By digitizing and centralizing your Business continuity / Disaster Recovery Plan

Document Procedure

For disaster, emergencies, incidents to facilitate quick recovery and response

Key Features

Internal Management
Business Impact Assessment
Risk Assessment
BCM / DR Plan Template
Scenario-Based Exercising
Threat and Vulnerability Analysis
Incident management
Real-time plan updates and notification
Audit Management and assessment
Reports and Dashboards
BCM Consulting Services
Centralized Storage of Plans and Documentation


Business Impact Analysis

Trigger and manage BIA surveys to identify critical assets, processes, resources, MAO and RTO for each application and process. Perform routine BIA more frequently with minimum efforts.

Risk Assessment

Perform assessment of business continuity risk disrupting key processes and assets. Align critical processes, risks, KRI and controls to produce effective risk mitigation strategy through surveys.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Development

Effectively create and maintain continuity and recovery plan from pre-built templates and configurable questionnaire and maintain it with policy-driven workflow. Associate plans to critical business process, assets and resources.

BC/DR Plan Exercising

Initiate and simulate BC / DR plan to measure actual versus estimated time and resources required to complete the task. Notify and send mass communication to critical resources following a crisis event.

Incident Management

Real-time incident reporting, tracking and analysis. Perform crisis communication by announcing an event and quickly activate the selection of plans.

Notification and Updates

Real-time notification for DR drills, emergency actions, incidents, plan activations.

Audit Management and Assessment

Conduct evaluation of business continuity procedures and capabilities to ensure their suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

Reports and Dashboards

Inbuilt business intelligence layer that provides unified graphical and responsive dashboards, intelligent and actionable reports for efficient management decisions, effectiveness.

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